Shark in the Water
VV Brown | Myspace Video
The opening shot of the video is of the artist so the audience can already establish that she is going to be the main focus. The next shot is of the man playing the guitar this makes the viewer aware that they are watching a music video and the sound of the guitar in the song becomes more apparent.
The shots are edited to the beat and switch from different locations of V.V. Brown in the cafe and outside. She tends to look away from the camera then faces it, she does this frequently throughout the video.
The narrative then begins and we see a shot of a man with a girl, as a viewer we seem to begin to know that she is singing about the two people as it switches to a shot of her from the shot of the two people sitting together. This is a typical convention of editing as to show the narrative in a music video.
The man looks over his shoulder indicating to viewer that he is doing something secretive. The artist switches in between the narrative.
It seems in the narrative that the artist has somewhat defeated the 'cheat' as she pins the evidence on his door. He comes out of his house and appears behind his railings which can be code for that he is in the wrong and has been found out, therefore maybe now being punished for his actions and she is the one better off.
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