Monday, 13 December 2010

Points to consider in my music video

Functions and meanings of music in editing:

  • "quick cutting on the beat"
  • Every cut or edit in a music video needs to be in sync with the music.
  • There is a "rhythmic basis closely connected to the song".


  • "Edits in music videos come far more frequently than in film"
  • "Music video editing bears a far greater responsibility for many elements more than clasic Hollywood film editing".
  • There are lots of very short, quick edits in music videos. These build up a montage and often tell the story of the video (progress the narrative).


  • "The editing in music video works hard to ensure that no single element (the narrative, the setting, the performance, the star, the lyrics, the song) gains the upper hand".
  • When i come to creating my own music video i will ahve to focus on creating a balance between my images and the song itself.
  • The video cannot distract from the song but must also grab the audience's attention.

Graphic Match:

  • When editing sequences connect objects through colour and shape, this therefore creates fluency.

Match on action:

  • Using a series of edits where different people/objects are doing the same thing. For example a close-up on Subject A's feet running then a cut to a close-up on Subject B's feet running.

180 degree rule:

  • I have to ensure that i do not disorientate the audience by breaking this rule, the audience should maintain a position between edits in terms of orientation.

30 degree rule:

  • If you break the 30 degree rule it is called a jump cut a sharp awkward edit that looks clumsy.
  • The camera should move 30 degrees between edits to avoid this.

(Jump Cuts draw the audiences attention to the techniques being used.)

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